Practical Project is around using 2 Tools, the first one is creating a blog
where I should post entries every week, these entries can be my weekly or daily
reflections with videos, articles or pictures. Second, creating my own Google
Tools site; this site demonstrates 10 Google tools which I used in my daily
life with clarification and screen shots.
Google site: before having a Google site class by one of my classmates, i had no idea how to create a site for me site was very hard thing to do and it was over my boundary on knowledge. However, after the class i used it in setting my Google Tools Site.
Google Searching: before the session i had no idea how to search and save my time after knowing different ways of searching i can now save my time by using the Google search feature.
Google chrome: Google Chrome is faster, it has various features and apps, we can download any games and any program in a very short time before the session i tend to use internet explorer which was slow and low quality but now it is much easier for me to surf the net.
Gmail: Before I used to use Hotmail to send and receive emails, but after the session of Google Tools I learned that Gmail is much efficient than any others. It helped me to organize my emails; as I started to label my emails, and it also helped me allot in adding tasks related to my individual or group projects and send them to my group members.
Blog: i used the blog in posting my experience and share interesting things with people that i follow up it helped me allot in being a active person in my society.
Google Calendar: I
started using my Google Calendar this year, as it really helped me in making appointment and remind me about my appointments.
Google Docs: a very helpful tool which allowed me to share the documents with my friends, create presentations with my college group members. .
Google Language Tools: its quick and easy to use. I used it whenever I needed to translate a foreign page, translate text into the English or Arabic.
Google Picasa : A very easy to use tool with several features which helped me in managing and editing all the pictures I have in my PC.
Google Earth: easy to use tool, i used this tool to search for the places that i want to visit or need more information about it.
Google Docs: a very helpful tool which allowed me to share the documents with my friends, create presentations with my college group members. .
Google Language Tools: its quick and easy to use. I used it whenever I needed to translate a foreign page, translate text into the English or Arabic.
Google Picasa : A very easy to use tool with several features which helped me in managing and editing all the pictures I have in my PC.
Google Earth: easy to use tool, i used this tool to search for the places that i want to visit or need more information about it.